Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

I love what I do

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

We all have those days where you wonder if what you are doing is worth it. As a teacher I wonder if they are really learning anything, am I making a difference, will they remember what I taught them. But … Keep reading

School Vouchers

Categories: Education

The Utah legislature is again considering school vouchers. Apparently the fact that it hasn’t passed the last five years makes them think it will this time for some reason. What vouchers say to me is this: We know Utah schools … Keep reading

Another homework assignment

Categories: Education, Science & Tech

The first assignment for my technology integration class was to start this blog. Now we have to write a telecollaborative lesson plan. My partner and I wrote this lesson plan. It is due on the 14th, so there might be … Keep reading

An advantage of being a student

Categories: Books, Education

I think I have now started three books, but there is a fourth I have out with a book mark in because I think I want to start that one too. I can’t decide what book I am in the … Keep reading

Welcome to the randomness that is me

Categories: Education, Life, Random

I have to do this for homework. My professor told us to start a blog for our class. It was my first class ever as a graduate student, and this was my homework. I thought graduate school was supposed to … Keep reading