Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Funny hood thing

Categories: Education, Happy Things

Friday I picked up my cap and gown and tassel and hood for the graduation ceremonies in one month at the University of Utah that I am participating in. I won’t be finished with my classes till the end of … Keep reading

What I learned about me

Categories: Education, Learn Something, Work

For one of my Masters classes this semester I am conducting an action research project in my own classroom. As part of this I have video taped myself teaching various lessons through out the project to see if I change … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Musings, Work

About five years ago a movie came out called The Rookie starring Dennis Quaid. It was the summer after I graduated from BYU and I was looking for a job as a teacher. One of my roommates and I went … Keep reading

Can O’ Worms

Categories: Education, Venting, Work

What follows are some of my thoughts on recent meetings and decisions and such and whatnot that have been occurring. Holy Crap!!! I can’t do this any more. There is so much icky negativity in this room that it’s making … Keep reading

UCET 2007

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Venting, Work

In 2002 I was hired as the computer specialist in an elementary school. I had very little idea what I was doing and just started making it up as I went. I was pretty successful at that. But it is … Keep reading

The television

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Health, Science & Tech

This week I decided I was really going to limit how much I watched television. The idea was to get more homework done instead of coming home and turning on the tv and “relaxing” until bed. I still got the … Keep reading

A good day

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Random

Today was a good day. You might ask why. I shall tell you. The reasons are two. 1. A storm came through Utah today, dumping tons of snow on the benches in Salt Lake City. Enough snow fell that the … Keep reading