Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Comprehensive Exams

Categories: Education

Tomorrow morning I will be emailed three essay prompts for my comprehensive exams and I will have till 5pm on the 25th to write three 8-12 page papers on those prompts. I’ve gotten great grades in all my classes so … Keep reading

How I learn

Categories: Education, Learn Something

When talking about ways people learn, there are three general styles – auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Some people learn better through seeing something. Others learn well when they hear it. And still others need to move their body in some … Keep reading

On the Radio

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Work

KSL radio features a different Utah teacher every Tuesday morning as their Teacher Feature feature. People submit letters to the station nominating different teachers and then people at the station and the state office of education go through the letters … Keep reading

Movie Premier

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

Today was the movie premier party for my fourth graders. They have been working on stop motion movies for the last two months. They worked in groups of 2-3 to figure out what objects they wanted to use, take all … Keep reading

Do what I say, not what I do

Categories: Education

Education classes can be so incredibly frustrating at times. I’ve attended lectures about how not to lecture because it is not an effective means of teaching. I’ve had lessons that weren’t engaging on how to engage students. And one of … Keep reading

I have been changed for good.

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Life, Work

The Fifth Grade Traveling Show was yesterday. I love that show. It has been a high point of the year for me since I started working at Mt. Mahogany. It is amazing what those kids are able to do. And … Keep reading

A Teacher’s Influence

Categories: Education, Musings, Work

Someone recently asked me an interesting question about teachers in my life. I liked it because it is slightly different than the one I normally get, which is, “why did you become a teacher.” They asked about teachers that had … Keep reading