Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

I am a geek

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

I’m sure you all probably already knew I was a geek. But here’s more evidence. I was getting out one of my mugs the other night and realized I need some new mugs, a set of mugs in fact. And … Keep reading

Computer skills for jobs

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

I’ve decided that I would like as comprehensive a list as possible of jobs that involve computers to put in my classroom, since I am the computer teacher after all. So I am enlisting the help of the readers of … Keep reading

Trip Stats.

Categories: Education, Life, Random

I like numbers. So here’s all the numbers from my recent trip to Arizona. 727 – number of miles between my apartment and the hotel in Tucson. 313 – number of miles I drove around Tucson and to and from … Keep reading

A children’s book?

Categories: Books, Education

The other day I noticed this information about the final Harry Potter book: Product Details ISBN: 0545010225 ISBN-13: 9780545010221 Format: Hardcover, 784pp Publisher: Scholastic, Inc. Sales Rank: 1 Age Range: 9 to 12 Series: Harry Potter Series, #7 I would … Keep reading

Well, that did it

Categories: Education

Tonight I attended the last class session for my Masters degree. I took cupcakes for the class to celebrate. It felt good to have that done. No more driving back and fourth to Salt Lake all the time. My bank … Keep reading

It’s all done but the waiting

Categories: Education

I did it. I wrote my comprehensive exams. The three papers ended up being a total of 38 pages all together, seven of which were just reference pages. That’s a lot of research stuff. Most of it is spread out … Keep reading

Heaven is a library

Categories: Books, Education, Happy Things

The BYU library is amazing!! I went there last night because the U’s copy of The Josse Bass Reader on Teaching and Learning was lost. But the two schools have reciprocal agreements, so I was able to check out BYU’s … Keep reading