Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Mais Bençãos

Categories: Education, Family, Gospel, Happy Things, Health, Life, Musings, Relationships, Remembers, Work

There are so many things I have to be thankful for in my life. There is no possible way I could begin to list them all. I am thankful for my family; my faith; a place to live; the most … Keep reading

Your job in five words

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

I have been given the task of describing my job in as few words as possible. And I’m stuck. How do I describe what I do without giving a 20 minute presentation? I’ve been doing this for so many years … Keep reading

The biggest yippy there is

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Life, Science & Tech

I received this email this morning. Isn’t email great? It’s so instant. The faculty met about a week ago and recommended your admission into our PhD program. I will be your initial advisor. You will be getting more information soon. … Keep reading

Election Day

Categories: Education, Politics

I have just one thing to say today. That is all. Oh, and don’t forget to vote.

Welcome to Utah

Categories: Education, Politics

One of the arguments for vouchers is that there is going to be a huge number of people moving to Utah soon and there isn’t room for them in our public schools. I have decided to put that argument into … Keep reading

Education & Money – their value in my life and relationships

Categories: Education, Life, Relationships

Someone I know recently asked: Is having a degree from college important, if so, why? If not, why not? He went on to wonder about the role of different levels of education in relationships and if educational or monetary success … Keep reading

Parents for choosing to be selfish in Utah (a.k.a. Parents for Choice)

Categories: Education, Politics, Venting

There is a group called “Parents for Choice in Education” that is nothing more than a gathering for the selfish parents in Utah. They are not for choice for all parents in Utah. They are really trying to get all … Keep reading