Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Caught in the middle

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Family, Life, Meme, Relationships, Work

I’ve seen this on a few other blogs and thought I’d give it a go. But I added the stuff at the end because I thought it should extend equally in both directions. I have this thing with balance and … Keep reading

Changing Perception

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Learn Something, Musings, Work

Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach an under-graduate class about cognitive theories. To help me prepare for it, I went back and pulled out the books I used when I was first learning these ideas as an undergrad. It … Keep reading

Unpacking list

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

Yesterday they came and put new locks on my front door and my storage door. So now I can more smoothly unlock my front door. I can also unlock my storage door. I haven’t put much in my storage closet … Keep reading

A toast

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

As we say good-bye to 2007 and hello to 2008, I was thinking of a few toasts I could make tonight. Here’s to being poorer than a part-time school teacher, but in a warmer climate! Here’s to sewing fabric instead … Keep reading

Rights, Honors, and Responsibilities

Categories: Education

My diploma for my Masters degree arrived in the mail. I actually wasn’t expecting it for a while still, considering how long it took them to do some of the other paperwork. What struck me about the document though was … Keep reading

Lost metacognition

Categories: Education, Learn Something, Work

This week was a bit of an eye opening experience for me. I have been at my current job since August of 2002 when I walked into it not really knowing what I was doing. Since then I have created … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Life, Science & Tech, Work

For the last six years I have been teaching keyboarding to third graders. It takes more than half their year with me that year. Before they get to third grade we do a lot of fun games. After third grade … Keep reading