Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.


Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Happy Things, Health, Learn Something, Relationships

People sometimes say “all things being equal…” The only problem is, all things aren’t equal. There are a lot of things in life that don’t have an equal. Just as a short list of some things love family a gorgeous … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Gospel, Life

Many people must separate religious and scientific ideas in their minds. All they can see between the two is a lot of conflict. The two can never come together, never agree on anything, contradict each other, and so on and … Keep reading

Political Bands

Categories: Education, Health, Politics

It’s a presidential election year. Which means we have to deal with politics in the news a lot more than normal, and have been for the last year. I love my right to vote. I exercise it every chance I … Keep reading

It becomes necessary

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Happy Things, Health, Life, Musings, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Relationships

The Declaration of Independence spoke of the necessities faced by the Colonies. What are the necessities in my life? My ancestors traveled the plains with an entire family’s worth of possessions in a covered wagon or handcart. Those are not … Keep reading

The Sunday News

Categories: Education, Exercise, Happy Things, News, Random, Science & Tech, Venting

I have several different news articles all on similar topics that should eventually appear as separate blogs. But today I just wanted to comment on several random stories all at once. => The original story about this is sad. A … Keep reading

The Decline of Reading

Categories: Books, Education, News

Earlier this week NPR did a story titled “Is the Internet Making Us Stupid?” The title caught my attention as I was skimming through article titles in my feed that morning. So I marked it as one to listen to. … Keep reading

A quilt of you

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Happy Things, Health, Meme, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Relationships, Science & Tech

I’m turning 30 next month. And that keeps striking me as quite a milestone that needs to be celebrated. Saturday it came to me to make a quilt to commemorate my presence on earth for three decades. An appropriate quilt … Keep reading