Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

15 Minutes of Fame

Categories: Education, Exercise, Gospel, Learn Something, Life, Random, Work

I enjoy the show “Mad About You,” and have managed to find it in reruns at night here. One of the episodes I saw a while back was Our Fifteen Minutes. The premise was that Paul and Jamie set up … Keep reading

Happiness is…

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Relationships

I remember my mom playing a song on the piano called “Happiness is.” I looked on line for the lyrics and the ones I found seem to be a little different than the ones I remember. Maybe my mom will … Keep reading

Olympics, don’t let them end

Categories: Education, Exercise, Olympics

Yes, I cheered out loud during the last leg of the women’s 4×400 relay. That last straight was just, wow! I didn’t think she could do it, but that was incredible. I cheered for the men’s marathon too. Gotta say … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Life, Venting

Development theories are many. Many of them acknowledge the influence of the social community that surrounds the individual and the large role the community plays in the development of the individual. But those interactions between the individual and the society … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Family, Questions

I’m a bit confused why this caused such a big fuss, but it did. A friend asked for one sentence confessions, so I said “I want to be a highly educated mom when I grow up.” What is so controversial … Keep reading


Categories: Books, Education, Happy Things

I never quite understand people who say they don’t like poetry. I believe the problem though is how they define it. Their definition is far, far too narrow. And the poetry that fits their definition does not appeal to them. … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Politics, Science & Tech

Education is something of a rallying cry for me. It is my crusade. If I were in charge of the world, or even just this country, there would be some big changes in education. One of the things I would … Keep reading