Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

A Hodge Podge

Categories: Education, Exercise, Health, Life, News, Science & Tech, Venting

Rather than a bunch of short blogs, here’s one long one with a bunch of short parts. ~ * ~ * ~ Something to Sit on Why are so many chairs uncomfortable, bad for your back, encourage slouching and bad … Keep reading

If I only had a brain…

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Health

I do! And I even have visual proof! I think it’s real pretty actually. Kind of sexy maybe even. And real weird at the same time. That’s what is inside my head! I got an e-mail this afternoon from the … Keep reading

And on your left you will see my life

Categories: Books, Education, Family, Gospel, Life, Meme, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Science & Tech, Work

Laylabean suggested keeping track of everything you do in one day and posting it. She thought Monday or Tuesday of this week would be good. I didn’t keep track of times like she did, so all my times are in … Keep reading

Voting, fighting, and … drinking?

Categories: Education, Politics

Recently in class we talked about peer influence as it relates to substance abuse. It was very interesting for me to sit there and listen to the six other people around the table talk about drinking and alcoholism and how … Keep reading

Apples for homework

Categories: Education

Today is Johnny Appleseed day. Seven years ago today I was in Mexico doing my student teaching. I was in the town of Colonia Juaréz, a town with lots of apple and peach orchards. One of my students brought apples … Keep reading

The things I do for a free t-shirt

Categories: Education, Health, Random

Next Friday I’ll be participating in a visual neuro-cognitive brain study with MRIs on campus. They needed right handed people who are native English speakers and don’t have any metal in their body. That’s me! So I e-mailed and told … Keep reading

A few thoughts

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Venting, Work

Some person, for some strange weird reason, changed the ports on my server and so for more than a month, my website was not sending out e-mails. I like it to send me notices when someone comments just so I … Keep reading