Meet Giggles
I am an educator and PhD. I quilt, belly dance, run, read, and try to grow things. I am a Mormon. I am infertile. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, grand-daughter, friend, wife, and mom. more...
Posts I’m Proud Of
What I’m Reading
- Living With Enthusiasm
by L. Tom Perry
131 pages
Started: 3 February 2014 - The Castle of Llyr
by Lloyd Alexander
206 pages
Started: 2 February 2014
- Living With Enthusiasm
Shared Thoughts
Brett L. Dennis - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Giggles - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Brett L. Dennis - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
AmandaStretch - Talent Show!
Mama g - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Category Archives: Education
Randomly random
There is a meme going around Facebook where in you write down 25 random things about you and then tag 25 of your friends with the idea that they will then do the same. Except if you are tagging someone … Keep reading
14 Shared thoughts
Being political
I have never been to a political rally before. It was quite interesting. There were roughly 2,000 people there. Most were wearing black. Most were students at the three state universities. As I walked from my car to the rally … Keep reading
A priceless education
I am of the opinion that education is priceless. Unfortunately, I seem to be living in a state that thinks you can put a price on education, and that you can then sell it at the dollar store because it’s … Keep reading
Successful teaching
Categories: Education, Learn Something, Questions
An interesting question was raised in one of my classes this week. The professor asked who in the room had ever had a calculus class. A handful of us raised our hands. I had it in both high school and … Keep reading
My name is…
I read recently an article about nicknames (What’s in a nickname – BBC). It is interesting to think about how they come to be and who uses them. So I’m going to think about it here for a minute. I … Keep reading
Blogging since 2006
Categories: Education, Life, Science & Tech
It’s been three years since I first started blogging. According to the blog statistics there are 542 posts and 438 comments on here (people weren’t very comment-y that first year, and I’m pretty sure less than half of those comments … Keep reading
One year on
One year ago today my mom and I pulled in to Tucson with all of my belongings in a Uhaul truck after driving all night, getting slightly lost in Nevada, taking a slight side trip to California for a few … Keep reading