Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

And now for the news

Categories: Books, Education, Health, News, Science & Tech

Cleaning out the news feeds yet again. Drawing. Photos. Magazines. Sprained ankles. Math. Math. Communicating. Letters. Keep reading

A few updates

Categories: Education, Happy Things

Small updates on school, an injured thumb, and the garden. Keep reading

I saw that on PBS

Categories: Books, Education, Family, Learn Something

Odds are, I’ve seen a PBS show about whatever it is you’re talking about. And if I haven’t, I’ve probably read a book about it. And if I haven’t, then I want to. Keep reading

Seek for wisdom

Categories: Education, Gospel

I intend to get all of the education I can while I am on this earth, formally while that is an option, and informally until my dying breath. Keep reading

Productive Procrastination

Categories: Education, Life

If you must procrastinate, do so productively. Keep reading

Busy, busy, busy

Categories: Education, Life, Venting, Work

We are all busy. We all find ways to manage our time. And we can all share with others just how we do it. Keep reading

Lost all track of time

Categories: Education, Questions

Do you ever get so engrossed in something that you completely lose all track of time? You’ll think to yourself that you’ll just do whatever it is for a few more minutes and then you’ll stop and get on to other things and the next thing you know it’s been a couple of hours. Keep reading