Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Bad timing

Categories: Education, Venting

This would be the wrong time for something else to go wrong. It’s possible I am stressed. Keep reading

Random? Scattered is more like it.

Categories: Education, Family, Life

If I could sit still long enough I’m sure I could gather my thoughts, but it just isn’t happening. Keep reading

Wanted: One desk

Categories: Education, Health, Science & Tech, Work

Typing is a pain in the arm… Keep reading

There was no nineteenth story

Categories: Education, Questions

I am a resident of nowhere. Keep reading

They think I know stuff!

Categories: Education, Work

Me excuse for being sparse or scattered over the next few weeks. Keep reading

A moment in history

Categories: Education, Life, News, Politics

Twenty years ago today is one of those moments that stays with you. It was on June 4, 1989, that the massacre of Tiananmen Square happened. Keep reading

They aren’t my sixth graders any more

Categories: Education, Life

Time keeps moving forward. Yesterday’s elementary kids are today’s high school graduates. Keep reading