Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

The ghost in the classroom

Categories: Education, Life, Work

After our wedding Brett and I stopped by Mount Mahogany. … I had to take a major pause. There were definitely differences, but so much of it was the same. … It was almost like I was still there … Keep reading

The Alphabet

Categories: Education, Happy Things

Today is National Teacher’s Day! … So let’s celebrate by looking at one of the first things we learn – The Alphabet. … Keep reading

Great Poetry – What teachers make

Categories: Education, Life, Musings, Work

Great poetry comes in so many different forms. And that’s one of the things I absolutely love about it. It can be exactly what you need it to be at the time. But what makes a poem great is that it speaks to some part of you. Keep reading

Ah, Spring Break

Categories: Education, Food, Life

I’m too busy doing other things the rest of the semester. I need to make good use of the days I’m not riding the bus. … Keep reading

He has me trained

Categories: Education, Family, Relationships, Work

Several times since we’ve gotten married, Brett and I have been asked if I have him trained yet. Trained for what? The Olympics? … But there has been some training going on. In fact, he had me trained before we even got married. … Keep reading

A touch of feminism

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Venting

I’m just that kind of feminist – technologically domesticated. … Keep reading


Categories: Books, Education, Work

Reflections on the movie, “Where the Wild Things Are,” the children in my life, and teaching. Keep reading