Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Now for the News

Categories: Education, Folks, News, Random, Relationships, Science & Tech

Changing times. Tetris. Postcards. Creativity. Texting & spelling. Scary music. Information addiction. True humor. Dying languages. Musicians and language. Talking stuff. Flying time. Keep reading

A sink and an overhead?

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

The strangest part is actually the room I’m teaching in. … But then it has a sink, with no paper towels so I’m not sure what to do with that. And it has an overhead projector. … Welcome to the 21st century folks! Keep reading

Not enough to do

Categories: Education, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

I had the wonderful problem of having not enough to do and too much time to do it in. … Having a schedule makes me get things done. I’ll let you know how this quilting on my days off each week goes. Keep reading

The mind is a wonderful thing to study

Categories: Education, Work

I like thinking about how the mind works. Not necessarily the neurons and all of that, but the thinking and understanding and remembering and learning (that’s probably why I study in the field I do). Keep reading

The Bell Tower

Categories: Education, Musings

I’d been to BYU many times before when we lived in Utah. But there was something about sitting on those steps at that moment that was different. As I sat there I felt like I was home. There was no place else I wanted to be. Keep reading

I’m on a cart

Categories: Books, Education

Okay, now who here hasn’t wanted to have someone push them on those carts? (Harold B. Lee Library) Keep reading

Ours is to reason why

Categories: Education, Gospel

It is our right to reason why when we are learning. And it is also our right to reason why and ask questions of what we believe. Keep reading