Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

I believe

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Happy Things

I believe in sleeping in, sunsets, and bubble baths. … Keep reading

Grow up already!

Categories: Education, Life, Questions

The article: “What is it about 20-somethings?” And that is a very good question. Because really, what is going on with the vast majority of them? I just don’t get it. Keep reading


Categories: Education, Family, Gospel, Life

When I was learning the multiplication facts, the 8s gave me problems, but the 7s seemed impossible. My least favorite fact was 7×8. Keep reading

All the random things that make me giggle, and some that don’t.

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Life

That’s the tagline for this blog. And I think it encompasses what I do here very well. Keep reading

Unplugged – The follow-up

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Work

The first assignment asks the students to try out the theories of classical and operant conditioning on themselves. … For the second assignment they have to list twenty behaviors they do in a single day and then analyze why they did them. … Both of these assignments relate to my unplugged week last week. Keep reading

The bio

Categories: Education, Life, Work

At one point she started talking about the “historical autobiography” she was writing. I couldn’t help but think she must not understand the meaning of at least one of those words. … At various points in my life I’ve been asked to write autobiographies. … Keep reading

Going unplugged (sort of)

Categories: Education, Life, Science & Tech

Two news articles this past week caught my attention. The first was on the NPR website about how a “University declares a week without social media.” … The second article was in the BBC titled “How to disconnect from your online life.” … Keep reading