Author Archives: Giggles

Shuttle Camp 1989

Categories: Remembers, Science & Tech

Saturday I mentioned that I went to Shuttle Camp when I was younger. And then yesterday while I was looking for a poster for a lesson I was teaching I found the collage frame I’d put together with the pictures of me/by me from Shuttle Camp in 1989. Yea! Keep reading

Education. Exploration. Motivation.

Categories: Education, Politics, Science & Tech

In the words of Gene Kranz, “Failure is not an option.” If we reach for the stars long enough, we just might get there. Keep reading

Learn something.

Categories: Learn Something, Questions

Brett and I regularly tell each other “Be good and learn something.” … Keep reading

We WILL have grilled hamburgers!

Categories: Family, Food, Happy Things

While we were running a few errands yesterday afternoon we saw some clouds in the distance but figured they wouldn’t interfere with our plans at all. Keep reading

Mothers of faith

Categories: Family, Gospel

Well-behaved women and mothers might not have their own names in the history books, theirs might be a silent work, but as surely as they live they have altered the course of human history. Keep reading

Bad Day

Categories: Life

I need a freeze ray. Keep reading

Priorities that matter

Categories: Musings

I’ve been thinking a lot about my priorities the last many months. There is only so many hours in the day and I only have so much energy to use in them. Keep reading