Author Archives: Giggles

I remember at 23

Categories: Education, Family, Life, Remembers

I remember at 23 having a few weeks where I was basically homeless. The contract for my apartment that summer ran out before I had to be in Mexico to student teach. Keep reading

I remember at 22

Categories: Education, Gospel, Remembers

I remember at 22 worrying if I remembered enough English to do a phone interview for student teaching. I wanted to do my student teaching in Colonia Juarez…. They wanted to do an interview with me, and it needed to happen before I came home from Brasil. Keep reading

I remember at 21

Categories: Family, Gospel, Remembers

I remember at 21 having my first Thanksgiving outside of the United States. I haven’t had Thanksgiving with my parents at their house since my senior year of high school. Keep reading

I remember at 20

Categories: Gospel, Health, Remembers, Work

I remember the summer I turned 20 was spent in a lot of pain. Keep reading

I remember at 19

Categories: Exercise, Family, Remembers

I remember the day after I turned 19 I ran my first marathon. I remember spending the first few miles just being in awe that I was even starting a marathon, that I was there. Keep reading

I remember at 18

Categories: Gospel, Remembers

I remember at 18 attending General Conference live for the first time. Keep reading

I remember at 17

Categories: Education, Family, Life, Relationships, Work

I remember at 17 making some choices that would affect the rest of my life. I didn’t realize how big one of those choices was. Keep reading