Author Archives: Giggles

I remember at 30

Categories: Happy Things, Relationships, Remembers

I remember at 30 … It actually felt that in a way he was “claiming” me and telling all the other guys to leave me alone and that I was his. That was a fun feeling, and I didn’t mind in the least. Keep reading

I remember at 29

Categories: Education, Family, Life, Relationships, Remembers, Work

I remember at 29 wondering if quitting one thing would mean I’d always quit when things weren’t so much fun any more. … I worried that quitting a job when I didn’t like it any more meant I’d quit other things, like perhaps a marriage (hey! nobody ever said my fears were rational!), when they stopped being enjoyable as well. Keep reading

I remember at 28

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Remembers, Work

I remember at 28 … The teachers stood to clap for me and I felt so small because so many of them are amazing teachers that I look up to and so many of them deserve to be honored too. Keep reading

I remember at 27

Categories: Education, Family, Happy Things, Relationships, Remembers

I remember at 27 starting graduate school and meeting Brett. Both of which still affect me today (one in more enjoyable ways than the other). Keep reading

I remember at 26

Categories: Remembers, Work

I remember at 26 taking on an additional project at work that meant I had to get to work even earlier, and on my normal days off (I taught computers Tuesday through Thursday). Keep reading

I remember at 25

Categories: Happy Things, Remembers, Work

I remember at 25 already having made a name for myself at the school. Which translated into me dancing in the Oscar Myer hot dog costume for the fifth grade traveling show that school year. … People just expected me to fully jump in on days like that, and I always did, and I always loved it. Keep reading

I remember at 24

Categories: Happy Things, Remembers, Work

I remember at 24 being thankful for my first job as a teacher, my very first apartment, and that both were on the bus route. … Happy Thanksgiving! Keep reading