Author Archives: Giggles

In the background

Categories: Life

I pay a lot more attention to what’s in the background of my photos now. In fact, not wanting to step on toys and not wanting cluttered backgrounds in the photos I take (because I take a lot every day) are the main reasons why I try to keep a tidy house. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things

I love our little Iddo. It’s hard to believe how big she is already. … She’s amazing and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel the overwhelming responsibility it is to be her mom and the overwhelming love that goes along with that. Keep reading

My world

Categories: Family, Gospel, Happy Things, Relationships

For our anniversary every year we dance to the song we danced to the night of our wedding. Tonight as we danced Brett held Izri in his arms, Shimei took turns holding each of our legs and I held the girls’ hands as they danced around us. It was a moment of joy. It’s amazing what has happened in the last 8 years. And it will continue into eternity. Keep reading

Watching you

Categories: Family, Life

They watch everything I do. Brett knows exactly what I say during the day because it’s what they say. You can see exactly how I treat them because it’s how they treat each other. Keep reading

What’s Your Origin Story?

Categories: Family, Gospel, Musings

Today I taught Gospel Doctrine about “Finding Joy in Temple and Family History Work.” As I thought about it in preparation though I realized it was in part a lesson about what our origin stories are and the importance of knowing those stories. There are days I like to think of myself as a super hero, and every super hero has an origin story, so what’s mine? Keep reading

I love to see the temple

Categories: Family, Gospel, With the Kiddos

In August the Tucson temple was dedicated and I was actually worried about how having a temple that close was going to complicate things. … We really aren’t saving any on gas this way. It takes us 4 hours to get everyone there and back, and that’s just with us serving for an hour each in the temple. But we all get to go still. Our kids still look forward with excitement for temple day every month. And for me, that makes it totally worth it. Keep reading

Running Momma

Categories: Exercise, With the Kiddos

Izri is only 4.5 months old but I’ve already started running again. Considering I ran till I was 28 weeks pregnant with him, it isn’t surprising I’m getting back to it sooner with him than with the others. He still isn’t consistent enough with when he wakes up at night for me to go in the morning before the kids are up, so that leaves going when Brett gets home from work in the evening. Which means kids want to come with me. Keep reading