Author Archives: Giggles

Expect the idiot

Categories: Education, Work

It’s the end of the semester. And I’d actually be disappointed if I didn’t have at least one student send a frantic email asking what extra they could do to get an A, or can’t I round an 86 up to an A. Keep reading

Developing talents

Categories: Questions, Random

I hum in the shower. I don’t have to interrupt humming like I would singing or whistling when there’s water all over my face. So I hum. Keep reading

The problem with form letters

Categories: Health, Infertility, Politics

Remember back in February when I posted a letter I sent to the White House about insurance coverage for conception? I checked the box that said I would like a reply back. Yesterday, two and a half months later, I got that reply. Keep reading

Called the altar Ed

Categories: Gospel

Ed the altar was not words, grandiose or simple. Ed was a stack of rocks. Ed stood for something. His very presence was a testimony. Keep reading

Current steps to graduation

Categories: Education

Here’s a reference of the steps I need to do before graduation and the approximate dates that some of them will be happening. Now you can stress about it with me! Keep reading

Man makes plans…

Categories: Gospel, Life

When I was 14 I laid out how my life was going to happen. … Turns out there has been a lot more to my life than I’d originally planned. My 14 year-old self only had a ten year plan. Keep reading

Prime time television?

Categories: Life, Venting

Remember when prime time television meant it was the prime time to gather the family around and spend the evening together? Now it is more often than not prime time to sell sleaze and filth to make the most sponsorship money. Keep reading