Author Archives: Giggles

Princess Giggles

Categories: Life

I remember hearing multiple times in multiple different places that it is the teenage and early adulthood years where we “find ourselves” and figure out who we are. I’m so glad that discovery isn’t limited to those years. I love that my life is a constant source of discovery and growth as I continue to become. How I define myself now is so incredibly different in a lot of ways from how I would’ve defined myself 15-25 years ago. There are some constants though. Keep reading

Warehouse Stores

Categories: Family, Life

What is it about stores that sell things in bulk that also means people have to comment when you have kids in bulk? … I often watch our kids and comment that we had them purely for the entertainment value they provide. Taking them out in public just provides even more options for entertainment. Keep reading

Tuesdays are long

Categories: Family, Life, With the Kiddos

Tuesday morning I wake up at least by 7:00 instead of 8:30 so I can make sure I’m not wearing pajamas when the garbage man comes. Lunch starts at 11:00 rather than noon so that the kids can be sleeping by noon instead of 1:00 so that I can get them up at 1:15 instead of 3:30 so they can be in the car by 1:30 so we can be at the children’s museum by 2:00 and be there for the story and craft every week. Keep reading

Not where I wanted to be

Categories: Health, Life

When I started my breastfeeding journey I swore I’d never be someone who felt they needed to nurse in the bathroom. I did not want to feed my child in a place where I wouldn’t want to eat. But lately I keep finding myself where I never wanted to be. The problem isn’t intolerant and uneducated people who think breastfeeding should be done in back rooms and closets. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things

Do you know how you can go along and think you have everything you need and that everything is great and it’s only because you can’t imagine that anything is missing? And then something comes along and you realize it’s what’s been missing this whole time and you can’t believe you didn’t realize how much you needed it before? Izri is that for our family. Keep reading

Bye for now

Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

Nancy Zieman died this past Tuesday after a battle with cancer. She will be dearly missed in the sewing world. I was touched that she ended this last show just as I remember her ending all of her previous shows by simply saying, “bye for now.” Keep reading

Something new

Categories: Family, Food, Learn Something, With the Kiddos

I love introducing our kids to new things. There is so much in the world for them to still explore and that I get to be part of some of that is such an adventure for me too. I get to see it all new again through their eyes. Keep reading