Author Archives: Giggles


Categories: Gospel, Musings

Garnish must be more than a decorative addition to a dinner plate. Especially if it is virtue that should be garnishing my thoughts. (see Doctrine & Covenants 121:45) Keep reading

On the road again

Categories: Life

Today I hit two palindromes within two miles, and the mile in the middle was pretty good too. Keep reading

Sacred Respect

Categories: Family, Gospel

I thought I’d share a bit about what a temple means to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), and how it’s different from our chapels Keep reading

How to Plan a Temple Wedding

Categories: Family, Gospel, How To, Relationships

I told Brett I could write a whole pamphlet on the topic, and I’d even provide it for free! Here’s the basics of how to plan a temple wedding, in ten easy steps: Keep reading

It’s below me.

Categories: Life, Science & Tech

I’ve been coming to the realization lately that the generation gap is below me now. Life’s been hinting at it for a while, but lately there have been a few things that have made it glaringly obvious. Take for example: Keep reading

I’m all made of hinges?

Categories: Health

My ribs don’t bend. My shins don’t bend. My femur and ulna don’t bend. I am clearly not all hinges. Keep reading

Last Flight

Categories: Happy Things, Science & Tech

Thank you Endeavour, and all the shuttles and the brave men and women who flew you, for the dreams and inspiration. Keep reading