Meet Giggles
I am an educator and PhD. I quilt, belly dance, run, read, and try to grow things. I am a Mormon. I am infertile. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, grand-daughter, friend, wife, and mom. more...
Posts I’m Proud Of
What I’m Reading
- Living With Enthusiasm
by L. Tom Perry
131 pages
Started: 3 February 2014 - The Castle of Llyr
by Lloyd Alexander
206 pages
Started: 2 February 2014
- Living With Enthusiasm
Shared Thoughts
Brett L. Dennis - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Giggles - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Brett L. Dennis - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
AmandaStretch - Talent Show!
Mama g - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Author Archives: Giggles
Categories: Random
Stupid grasshoppers. Undistracted ants. Empty flowers? Illiterate bugs. Keep reading
7 Shared thoughts
Never learn?
We stand for a full dinner pail. We stand for a chicken in every pot. Two cars in every garage. Full employment for everybody in America and a pint of milk for everybody in the world. Keep reading
When am I ever going to use this?
Categories: Science & Tech
My laptop just informed me I’m running out of space on my hard drive and suggested I get rid of old or unused files to clear space. My desktop had been running slow so I thought I’d defragment that hard drive and found out I didn’t have enough free space to run the defragmenter. Keep reading
Formatting – the importance of a space
Categories: Education
Maybe the acknowledgements section is single spaced. Maybe it isn’t. Maybe we don’t know what we’re doing after all. Keep reading
Lame Halloween Costumes Coming
Categories: Education, Family, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
I have had the most perfect idea for us for Halloween since 2010. It doesn’t look like its going to happen this year either. So this is a warning that this year is going to be a bit lame compared to past years. Keep reading
Knitting Projects
Categories: How To, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
No more can I say that knitting something larger than a small toy takes too long. Of course I was using big needles (size 13) and bulky yarn, so that helped. but maybe I’m actually getting the hang of this knitting thing. Keep reading
The announcement
Categories: Gospel, Happy Things
Reactions from our household on the dual announcements of a temple in Tucson and the change in minimum age for missionary service. In short, joy. Keep reading