Author Archives: Giggles

Choosing to be educated

Categories: Education

I choose to educate myself formally and informally so I don’t get bored with myself and don’t become a bore to others. … I choose to educate myself because I’m still a work in progress. … I choose to educate myself because it is one of the easiest things to share with others. Keep reading

Influencing my choices

Categories: Family

As far as this life is concerned, I did not choose my parents. But I’d like to think it was one of the best decisions I made before this life. Keep reading

Choose to be grateful

Categories: Life

Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give. – David O. McKay Keep reading

Choose to snooze

Categories: Life

I am a night owl. It’s part of my genetic make-up. I may live in Mountain Time, but my internal clock is set to Australia… Keep reading

Choosing to grow green onions

Categories: Food, How To, Learn Something

I have a philosophy that if I’m going to put in a lot of effort to grow a plant, that plant needs to do something for me. It either needs to come back the next year or provide food. Keep reading

Choose to make things difficult

Categories: Musings, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

I wonder if sometimes we choose to make things difficult so we have an excuse when we fail. It was just too hard. Keep reading

Choosing to submit

Categories: Family, Gospel, Relationships

She applied 21st century definitions to 17th century translations of 14th century BC writings and culture, particularly with the word “submit,” which she took to mean her husband was her master and she was his servant. Keep reading