Author Archives: Giggles

Lessons from the weeds – have good friends

Categories: Musings, Relationships

I don’t worry about making our yard immaculate, I just make sure it looks better than the neighbors’. But it also helps to have neighbors with good yards. Keep reading

Where did that come from?

Categories: Random

The other morning I awoke with a song stuck in my head and it confused me. Yes, it was a song I knew. But it wasn’t a song I had thought about for more than two decades. What in the world during my sleep had prompted the memory of that song to come jumping out of the recesses of my mind? Keep reading

What’s the point?

Categories: Education

Honesty. Integrity. That’s the point. Being able to look yourself in the eyes, know who you are, and being at peace with it. Keep reading

Just need to choose a font

Categories: Education, Life, Musings

Five years ago today I moved to Tucson with a five-year plan to get a PhD. Turns out it is going to be exactly four months longer than five years. But pretty close. And now it’s time for a new five-year plan, once I pick the font for it of course. Keep reading

Well Begun is Half Done

Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Random

Except, that’s as far as I tend to get. … Starting a project is exciting. But the last bits of most projects are boring to me. Keep reading

Dreams for 2013

Categories: Life, Musings

I was trying to think of what I want to get out of this year, what kind of year do I want it to be. So far this is what I have. … What do you hope to get out of this year? Keep reading

2012 Summary – A whole year of blogging

Categories: Science & Tech

In 2012 I wrote 144 posts and there were 675 shared thoughts. Here’s how it all broke down by month, day, and hour. Keep reading