Author Archives: Giggles

Strange things in the sea

Categories: Learn Something

Friday night we made the mistake of learning more about sea cucumbers. Keep reading

Looking at US from outside

Categories: Life

In which I answer the question – How does traveling outside of the US make a difference in how you see your community in the US? Keep reading

Not exactly news any more

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Health, Learn Something, News, Science & Tech

While none of this is news any more, I still felt like commenting on it. This week is the Scientific American edition. Keep reading

Pi and Ides

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Relationships

Preparations for Pi Day, the Ides of March, … and I was a guest writer for A Practical Wedding again. Keep reading

My normal is different

Categories: Health, Infertility

[The pain] was just normal for me. I didn’t realize it might not be normal for everyone. I wasn’t aware of what endometriosis was, or that I had it. Keep reading

Almost at the end

Categories: Education

My final oral defense will take place at 9am on March 22nd. The first portion is open to the public. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll tell you the location. Keep reading

Small world

Categories: Meme

Four lists of 11 for the Liebster Award. Making the world a little smaller with the internet. Keep reading