Author Archives: Giggles

Just don’t. It’s awkward.

Categories: Family, Infertility

Asking about a couple’s sex life is always awkward, even if you ask indirectly. Unless you are privy to the details of a couple’s reproductive plans, pretty much any comment related to reproduction is going to be inappropriate, and make the situation awkward. Keep reading

Join the Movement: Speak the Silence

Categories: Health, Infertility

I did not want to be told to just relax, to just adopt, to just try this other treatment, to feel lucky I didn’t have kids, to only talk about infertility. Say you don’t know what to say but you are praying. Keep reading

Holding on together

Categories: Family, Infertility, Relationships

We walked and talked, moving forward, together. … The stress of infertility has definitely weighed heavy on our shoulders, but we’ve hefted the yoke together. Keep reading

When your soul is in my soul’s stead

Categories: Infertility

In the last two years two more shows I watch have brought issues of infertility into the mix. This time my soul was there in the dark and cloudy day. … Any child that comes into our family will be because of a lot of deliberate planning. Keep reading

I’m glad I know belly dancing

Categories: Exercise, Health

It’s amazing how much of what they ask me to do in physical therapy is just like what I do when I’m belly dancing. … Belly dancing has proved very useful in my life. Keep reading

I will not fear my dreams

Categories: Education, Exercise, Life, Musings

I have never let fear keep me from my dreams, no matter the source of that fear. I’m not going to start now. I refuse to let terrorists limit the fulness of my life. They don’t get to win. Keep reading

Running the Boston Marathon

Categories: Exercise, Happy Things

Running Boston is something that is on my list of things to do in life, but obviously I’m not crossing it off today. Today I’ll barely make it walking around the block at a nice leisurely pace. Keep reading