Author Archives: Giggles

Pinterest Irks – Kill the exclamation point

Categories: How To, Science & Tech

There are definitely several things that just really irk me about Pinterest, or, to be more precise, that irk me about the way most people use it. Keep reading

Honoring and upholding the priesthood

Categories: Gospel, Musings

In my youth the lessons weren’t about how to “honor and uphold the priesthood,” they were lessons about how to “honor and uphold the priesthood holders.” There is a definite difference between the two. Keep reading

Blogging and dissertating

Categories: Education

I’m a firm believer one of the best ways to become a good writer is to write, especially in a place where you are encouraged to get better. Keep reading

My husband can read my mind!

Categories: Relationships

It doesn’t work so well when I don’t do my thinking out loud. Keep reading

Otter Pops

Categories: Food, Health, Musings, Random

A while back I read a post from a friend of mine about how her growing baby was made up of all the things she was eating. Which makes sense when you think about it… I sure hope there’s a lot of iodine and omega-3 in Otter Pops. Keep reading

Not Forgotten

Categories: Life

Thank you to all who serve for your dedication and service. May you never be forgotten. Keep reading

I like our boat

Categories: Family, Folks, Happy Things

A friend asked me if we had plans for an upcoming holiday, saying he knows we tend to do our own thing in our house and added a “whatever floats your boat” comment as well. I replied that I like our boat. Keep reading