Author Archives: Giggles

How to Make a Baby

Categories: Family, Health, Infertility

Our original plan was to welcome our first child shortly after our first anniversary, when I was done with my coursework for my degree. But as the saying goes, man makes plans and God laughs. Our plans for when and how to have children were not God’s plans for us. Keep reading

Becoming a Butterfly

Categories: Musings

Do little caterpillars know their potential? Can they sense the beautiful wings they will have? While they are crawling around on leaves and twigs do they feel the pull of the sky to fly? Keep reading

Independence Day 2013

Categories: Politics

May we always defend our families, our freedom, the truth, righteousness, and peace.

Laws cannot change nature

Categories: Family, Gospel, Politics

“We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.” Keep reading


Categories: Life, Musings

I have a hard time imagining middles. I frequently visualize how something will be when I finish it. But I rarely visualize the process of getting there, the middle. Keep reading

Estimated Delivery Dates

Categories: Family, Musings

Not only do our packages have estimated delivery dates (EDD), but so does the baby. Generally it’s referred to as an estimated due date (EDD) though with the baby. But same acronym. Keep reading

What calms you?

Categories: Exercise, Happy Things, Questions

I do stress. But I’m not THAT stressed out. There have to be more things that calm me. So I’ve been trying to come up with a good long list of the things I do to help me relax. Keep reading