Author Archives: Giggles

Groundhog Day, Observed

Categories: Featured, Life

I feel like I’m living in Groundhog Day. … At least I can take comfort that it feels more like I’m learning to play the piano and changing the tires on old ladies’ cars rather than driving off a cliff with a stolen groundhog riding shot gun. Keep reading

Only an arm’s length away

Categories: Family, Life

Keeping the camera at arm’s length is one way we keep our relationship even closer. We keep each other within arms’ reach no matter what is happening in the background. Keep reading

No touchy!

Categories: Featured, Life, Random

It’s rude to reach across a table for the salt. Why is it not even more rude to reach across the table to touch someone on the head? Keep reading

Long night

Categories: Education, Family, Happy Things

January 9, 2008 was a long night. January 9, 2014, was also a long night. But I’m not going to complain (grumble a little bit, but not complain). Keep reading

Goals and Resolutions

Categories: Life

I don’t set New Year’s resolutions. I set goals. In my mind the difference is in how specific they are. Resolutions are vague things like “eat better,” or even more vague “be healthier” whereas goals are specific things like “eat two fresh vegetables a day.” Keep reading

Summary of 2013 on the blog

Categories: Science & Tech

In 2013 I wrote 120 posts and there were 571 shared thoughts. Here is how it all broke down by month, day, and hour. Keep reading

Happy New Year 2014!

Categories: Happy Things

I’m not going to graduate or have a baby this year, but something tells me 2014 is going to be even better than 2013. Here’s hoping your year gets off on the right foot as well. Keep reading