Meet Giggles
I am an educator and PhD. I quilt, belly dance, run, read, and try to grow things. I am a Mormon. I am infertile. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, grand-daughter, friend, wife, and mom. more...Posts I’m Proud Of
What I’m Reading
- Living With Enthusiasm
by L. Tom Perry
131 pages
Started: 3 February 2014 - The Castle of Llyr
by Lloyd Alexander
206 pages
Started: 2 February 2014
- Living With Enthusiasm
Shared Thoughts
- Brett L. Dennis - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
- Mama g - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
- Mama g - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
- Giggles - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
- Brett L. Dennis - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
- AmandaStretch - Talent Show!
- Mama g - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Author Archives: Giggles
You can learn a lot from a dummy
Categories: Family, Learn Something
I’ve learned a lot from the internet. I’ve read several forums where people talk about their husbands or their parents or their in-laws and it’s taught me a lot. It’s confirmed to me just how much I have to be grateful for, how blessed I truly am. Keep reading
7 Shared thoughts
First memories
Categories: Family, Happy Things, Remembers
What is your first memory? How far back can you remember? And what kind of memory is it? As we watch Iddo it’s clear she remembers things from one day to the next. What will her first memory be? Keep reading
I’ll have the usual
Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
I have a lot of patterns. But I find there are just a few that I go to over and over again. They are my go-to patterns when I need something. Keep reading
Remarks on Mothers and the Economy
Dear Mr. President, I am a drain on your economy. … Your statement, Mr. President, was degrading to all the mothers who choose to stay home with their children. Your plan, Mr. President, merely puts a band-aid on the issue rather than seeking out the real cause and solution. Keep reading
The Sabbath Day
Categories: Gospel
I love the Sabbath. It truly is a joy. I don’t worry about cleaning (except for diapers, and then I view it as an ox-in-the-mire problem). I don’t go shopping. I don’t care about any activities going on around town. I get the day to focus on our family, myself, and our relationship with God. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. … What delights do you take in the Sabbath? Keep reading
This blog is too narrow
Categories: Life, Musings, Science & Tech
Ah November. That time of year when NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) comes around and I set out to post every day for the entire month. … This blog seems to be too narrow at times given how many truly marvelous ideas I’ve come up with that will never be published. Keep reading
Categories: Science & Tech
Last Thursday afternoon there was a partial solar eclipse in the US. Because for some reason we still have our 2-year-old Cheerio box turned pin hole viewer I sent that to work with Brett and then set up the binoculars in the backyard for Iddo and me. Keep reading