Author Archives: Giggles


Categories: Family, Happy Things, Relationships

Here are some of the not-too-sappy and public-appropriate reasons why I am blessed to be married to Brett, in no particular order. Keep reading

Wedding memories

Categories: Family, Happy Things

This weekend we celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. … I remember what it was like to be single. But I can’t imagine being anywhere else but here now. Keep reading

Happy Veterans’ Day

Categories: Musings

My grandpa served in the Army during WWII. I have cousins (and cousin-in-laws) who have served in different branches of the military. We have a nephew who just joined the Air Force. We have several friends here with husbands in the Air Force as well. I am grateful for all of their service and proud to know them. … Thank you to all who serve in whatever capacity you do. Keep reading

The Power of Dad

Categories: Family

There might not be a lot of research yet on the importance of fathers, but it is coming. In the mean time I have a lot of anecdotal evidence of just the kind of positive power a good dad can have in the lives of his children, a super power both my dad and my husband share. Keep reading

Followers of Christ

Categories: Gospel

And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. 2 Nephi 25:26 Keep reading

Pruning friends & junk mail

Categories: Random

I don’t prune friends that often, but every now and then I think it’s good to clean up some social clutter from our lives. … Every time the L.L.Bean catalog arrives I have to remind myself I live in Southern Arizona and we don’t do a lot of bundling up. Keep reading


Categories: Books, Education, Learn Something

Doing vocabulary assignments in school always took me forever because I always got distracted by all the other real cool words in the dictionary. One word I learned recently is “philology.” I should use it more in my life. Keep reading