Author Archives: Giggles

Create your reality

Categories: Family, Life

Today I created quite a bit of stress for myself. I do that sometimes. It’s not my brightest idea. I’ve prided myself on how calm and relaxed the holidays have been in the past because I set realistic expectations and don’t over plan everything. I’ve worked out the Thanksgiving cooking so that the food is all ready at the same time and we sit down to eat with a clean kitchen too. And then this year we have three kids under the age of three. Keep reading

And viewers like you. Thank you.

Categories: Learn Something

Certain meals, like tater tots and hot dogs, just seem to want to be eaten while watching TV. For a while we were watching TV series via DVD during dinner. But then it became clear that Iddo was paying a little too close attention to them and we need to put those on hold while the kids are up for a while. So what were we to do? We opted for PBS. Keep reading


Categories: Family

Someone recently asked Brett if I am able to be at home with our kids. We liked the use of the word “able.” It is a privilege, one not everyone is able to have. But I am blessed to have that option. And it works better in our house because of it. We know it takes both of us to make this house run smoothly. Keep reading

Nearer My God to Thee

Categories: Gospel

Some hymns have always been favorites of mine. This is one of them. I love the connection with the story of Jacob from the Old Testament. I love the pleading in the music itself. And then BYU Vocal Point went and arranged it with Latin as well. Their version gives me chills every time. Keep reading

Nothing but blue skies

Categories: Random

Brett and I play a game called “Cloud.” The first person to see a cloud says “Cloud!” and points it out. Sounds like a real boring game. But it can be real tough because there aren’t often clouds around. Keep reading

Making Memories

Categories: Random, Remembers

When I travel somewhere I know my time there is limited and I want to make the most out of every minute I have there and not miss a thing. So that means limited stopping time for eating, sleeping, and doing other necessities. I just go go go go go. And I love it. And then I come home and crash. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things

Iddo is a very perspicacious child. Her life is full of wonder, excitement, and discovery, and so she fills my life with the same. Keep reading