Author Archives: Giggles


Categories: Health

Just to clarify, I do not have a chronic health problem. … Keep reading

Blogging milestones

Categories: Proclamations, Random, Science & Tech

Two recent milestones on my blog… Keep reading

An organization report card

Categories: Family, Life

Over the last 2+ months I have been updating my address and name at various organizations. After a few frustrating experiences I decided I would like a place to share my experiences, and basically give each place a grade. I’m going to grade them on how easy it was to make the updates as well as how long it took. … Keep reading

Olympic comments & thoughts

Categories: Olympics

Lugers… Moguls… Figure Skating… Canada… Biathalon… Snowboard Cross… Speed Skating… Curling… Keep reading

Me, as a penguin

Categories: Happy Things, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

Ever wonder what I’d look like as a penguin? Keep reading

Happy Chinese, Happy Valentine’s

Categories: Relationships

Today is Valentine’s Day and the Chinese New Year. Happy! I made some fabric Valentine fortune cookies that turned out just perfect. Now, I know there are people who hate this holiday (Valentine’s Day, not Chinese New Year). … Keep reading

Notes, flowers, and candy

Categories: Relationships

At our wedding, the sealer gave us some advice to keep our marriage strong. He told us to keep doing the things that made us fall in love in the first place. Brett should write me notes, and buy me flowers and candy. … Keep reading