Author Archives: Giggles


Categories: Food

I’m a munchy type of person and am looking for munchies to take to campus with me. I’m trying to satisfy Maslow’s hierarchy. Keep reading

It’s a bird! It’s a … bird!

Categories: Life

Draw your own bird and send it to me and we’ll have a gallery of bird drawings. Keep reading

Rabbit ears on the TV

Categories: Random

Things I liked on “Chuck” and “Biggest Loser” this week. Keep reading

Sunshine in my Soul

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things, Life

What a wonderful Easter day. This morning we woke up and sat on our porch in the chill morning. And then the sun rose. And there was light, and warmth. … Keep reading

Woe is me, the martyr

Categories: Life, Musings, Questions

Why is it then that we all seem to take pride in the trails we’ve gone through and how hard they were for us? Or is that just me? … Keep reading

I’m on a horse

Categories: Musings, Relationships

Woman’s fantasy or man’s sense of competition? Keep reading

How I know I’m a grown up

Categories: Life, Random

Growing up there were a few milestones that I set out for me how I would know I’m a grown up. … Keep reading