Author Archives: Giggles

Great Poetry – What teachers make

Categories: Education, Life, Musings, Work

Great poetry comes in so many different forms. And that’s one of the things I absolutely love about it. It can be exactly what you need it to be at the time. But what makes a poem great is that it speaks to some part of you. Keep reading

Mormon foods

Categories: Folks, Food

So now I’m completely curious to know where Hawaiian haystacks came from and how they came to be and who the first person to make them was. But most importantly, do non-Mormons know what they are? What other “Mormon foods” are there? … Keep reading

Post #800 (and penguins)

Categories: Happy Things, Science & Tech

My how the time flies. Before you know it I’ll have said over 1,000 random things. Wow! I don’t know about you, but I’m having a lot of fun here. And today is World Penguin Day. I don’t know why, that’s just what the calendar says. So here’s some penguins for you! … Keep reading

Happy Earth Day

Categories: Happy Things, Life

It was while I was teaching that I really got into this day. Or at least the recycling part of it. Our school had a crazy recycling contest each Spring. … Keep reading

Quilting Thoughts

Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

But while I’m not actually quilting yet, here’s a few thoughts I’ve had rolling around my head about quilting. … Keep reading

Happy Boston!

Categories: Exercise, Health

I didn’t run Boston this morning. But I did run. 3 miles. And considering where I was at two months ago, that’s definitely an accomplishment. My hip is doing loads better than it was. … Keep reading

Smile When You Scream

Categories: Musings

… Or at the very least, laugh at yourself when you get off the ride, and be glad you didn’t actually swear. Keep reading