Meet Giggles
I am an educator and PhD. I quilt, belly dance, run, read, and try to grow things. I am a Mormon. I am infertile. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, grand-daughter, friend, wife, and mom. more...
Posts I’m Proud Of
What I’m Reading
- Living With Enthusiasm
by L. Tom Perry
131 pages
Started: 3 February 2014 - The Castle of Llyr
by Lloyd Alexander
206 pages
Started: 2 February 2014
- Living With Enthusiasm
Shared Thoughts
Brett L. Dennis - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Giggles - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Brett L. Dennis - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
AmandaStretch - Talent Show!
Mama g - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Author Archives: Giggles
Telling stories
This semester I discovered this speech by Chimamanda Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story.” I think we all fall to this danger at some point. … We hear one story and we think we know the whole person. Which is interesting since we are all at least three dimensional – height, width, and depth. Keep reading
Share your thoughts
Woman & Mother
I love my mom. She is an amazing woman. She showed me what it means to be a mother. … Keep reading
My names, choices and changes
Categories: Family, Life, Relationships
While we don’t really get to do much choice when it comes to names, we can chose how we identify with those names. … Keep reading
The ghost in the classroom
After our wedding Brett and I stopped by Mount Mahogany. … I had to take a major pause. There were definitely differences, but so much of it was the same. … It was almost like I was still there … Keep reading
The Alphabet
Categories: Education, Happy Things
Today is National Teacher’s Day! … So let’s celebrate by looking at one of the first things we learn – The Alphabet. … Keep reading
At that moment
Categories: Life
I took two photos “at” 8:00am this morning. One outside our house and the other inside looking out. I like them both. Keep reading
A Moment in Time
* Take a picture at 15:00 UTC/GMT on May 2nd (That’s 11am on the East coast, 8am on the West). … Keep reading