Author Archives: Giggles

Tuesday’s Random Sampler

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things, Random, Science & Tech

Lunar eclipse. Temple photos. Funniest thing ever. Keep reading

Technology is not smarter than the user (usually)

Categories: Science & Tech

When I was teaching elementary computers we did a lesson on how to use the spell check on a word processor. … It was all an effort to show them that technology isn’t that smart. Keep reading

Two-Faced Bullies

Categories: Questions, Science & Tech, Venting

This is something I have learned as well, over and over again. And yet it’s still something I do not fully understand. I’ve heard so many times that, “I’m not this way in real life,” or, “In person they’re real nice.” Keep reading

Blessings will come

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things, Life

Blessings will come. But they do not always come when we think they should. … Keep reading

Happy Father’s Day

Categories: Life

Happy Father’s Day Keep reading

Defining a Good Book

Categories: Books

Last week I picked up and read (again), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. As I was reading it I decided on a new way to define a good book. For me a good book is one that … Keep reading

Favorite Hymns

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things

When it comes to religious music, I actually mark my hymn book in similar fashion to my scriptures, highlighting the titles of favorite hymns or the lines that really stand out to me … These are the hymns that I’ve marked. … Keep reading