Author Archives: Giggles

I’m on a cart

Categories: Books, Education

Okay, now who here hasn’t wanted to have someone push them on those carts? (Harold B. Lee Library) Keep reading

Drooping Rabbit Ears

Categories: Random

The Prime Time Emmy nominations came out last week. I apparently don’t watch good television. I went through the whole list and this was what I’ve seen: Keep reading

Wednesday’s Random Sampler – July 14th

Categories: Food, Politics, Random

Political fact checking. Google Doodles. Do tractors smile? Die Bugs! Leftovers. Duck beaks in my hair. Eight months. You know, the random stuff. Keep reading

Ours is to reason why

Categories: Education, Gospel

It is our right to reason why when we are learning. And it is also our right to reason why and ask questions of what we believe. Keep reading

Improving your GPS

Categories: Science & Tech

You can get “celebrity” voices. But wouldn’t it be great if they had the “old lady back seat driver” voice? … Keep reading

Book Helpdesk

Categories: Books

Just in case you are having trouble reading those things called “books” now that we’ve moved on to e-reader things. Books are so old fashioned! (And so am I. I love books.) Keep reading


Categories: Life, Musings, Politics

Independence comes in many forms. … And this is true of nations just as much as it is of individuals. Keep reading