Author Archives: Giggles

For whom the phone rings

Categories: Science & Tech

It better not ring for me. I hate the phone. Hate. … IF I answer. Keep reading

What matters

Categories: Family, Gospel, Musings

If our lives are so short, am I really making good use of the little time I have? How will what I’m doing now affect me eternally? And if it won’t make a difference, why bother? Keep reading

Random Sampler of Happy Things

Categories: Books, Gospel, Happy Things

General Conference. Soaring hawks. Friendly bus driver. Cooler weather. British versions. And Grover. Keep reading

We’ll miss you

Categories: Family

Grandpa Fred Nuttall Giles: 13 December 1913 – 10 October 2010 Keep reading

I am not just a pair of breasts

Categories: Featured, Health

I am skin. I am bones. I am eyes. I am lungs. I am brains. I am blood. I am ovaries. I am a uterus. And I am a colon. … If you want to fight cancer, a Facebook status isn’t going to do it. Actions will. Keep reading

Onze Anos

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things, Life

Today marks 11 years since I went on a mission. Keep reading

This week is declared over

Categories: Venting

Cut finger. Wet electronics. Burnt finger. Shattered glass. I’m calling this week over. Keep reading