Author Archives: Giggles

I got this

Categories: Family

Two years ago I took our three kids to the library. Last week I took our FOUR kids to the library. On the way home I thought about how different the transition from 1 to 3 had been compared with the transition from 3 to 4. I’m knocking on wood and I may eat my words later. But for now, I got this. Keep reading

The Love of a Mother

Categories: Family, Featured, Gospel, Infertility

“No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child.” … The love of a mother does not require the physical presence of a child to be selfless and devoted. Keep reading

Time to Talk

Categories: Family, Gospel, Health, With the Kiddos

At 10:30pm we heard Iddo crying in her room and when we went to go check on her she met us half-way in the hall covered in blood and dripping more. I led her into the bathroom, sat her down in my lap, held some kleenex at her nose and started washing her off with baby wipes and singing to her to help her calm down while Brett wiped up the drips on the tile floor and checked out the damage to her bed. … I am grateful Heavenly Father gives me feelings and impressions so I can take advantage of these moments to talk with our kids whenever they happen to come up. Even if it’s after 11pm while we’re sitting on the bathroom floor. Keep reading

Setting the tone

Categories: Family, Happy Things

Last Friday I took our kids to the library for our regular every-third-Friday trip to the library. As they were wandering around, sitting in every chair to read their books, checking themselves out with the laser scanner, etc (all in the kids area), I saw an older gentleman watching and I could tell he was getting ready to say something about me having my hands full or something like that. Keep reading


Categories: Gospel, Infertility

A question was posed in church this morning about why people dealing with certain trials needed to come out and tell everyone what their trials are. Shouldn’t they just keep that to themselves since it’s really nobody’s business to begin with? … You might not need to know the details of my mortal struggles. But if you don’t know my struggles you can’t know me. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Remembers, Work

Nicknames have rarely stuck with me. My name isn’t one that can be shortened so there isn’t a natural nickname to associate with it so I never really had a nickname as a child. … When I graduated from college and started teaching I felt like I wished there was a ceremony or something in my culture that gave a new name to people when they reached a new stage in life to acknowledge the change, but I didn’t have a name I could change to. And then my students happened. Keep reading

I’m so crafty

Categories: Family, Happy Things, Infertility, Life

I’m crafty gosh darn it! And several times I cried because of all the things I could make and do, I couldn’t make people. … It is an incredible blessing. The potential that these mortal and imperfect bodies have is immense. And it has very little to do with my crafting abilities and what I can do with a sewing machine or a glue gun. … I don’t want to forget that the role I played wasn’t the only role. It took me, Brett, our fertility doctor, the embryologist, the scientists and doctors over the last 40 years who made IVF as successful as it is today, a quick thinking/working OB, and God. He is the ultimate Creator. Just look at all the people He’s made. Keep reading