Author Archives: Giggles

Very blessed. Very thankful.

Categories: Family, Gospel

It seems a bit cliché to say this today, but I am very thankful for all I have. I do not consider what I have to be luck. Keep reading

Up above the world so high

Categories: Life, Science & Tech

The stars, moon, and other planets have always had a pull on me. I’ve always looked up and wondered. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Folks, Gospel

I love traditions. Annual ones, weekly ones, daily ones. I love how they connect us to times, places, and people. Keep reading

Steak Dinner

Categories: Food

We ate like kings. What a wonderful feeling to be filled with such yummy food. And we still have two more steaks in the freezer! Keep reading

21st Century

Categories: Gospel, Life

Every age of mankind has its challenges and difficulties. But it also has it’s blessings and opportunities. Keep reading

Running my race

Categories: Exercise, Life, Musings

I’ve been running races since I was three. It was a one mile run and my dad ran the whole thing with me holding my hand. Keep reading

Quilts warm the heart

Categories: Books, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

There are a lot of things you can say with a quilt, the main thing being that you are loved. Keep reading