Author Archives: Giggles

What did they expect?

Categories: Life

There have been a few punks going around our neighborhood at night the last several weeks going through unlocked cars to see what they could take. I’ve been real good at locking our car at night. … Except last Thursday when we were out of our routine and forgot. Keep reading

The Unexpected Influence

Categories: Family, Happy Things

The kids loved trick-or-treating last night. They love wearing their costumes and people were giving them candy. Yea! But they also loved seeing all the people who came to our house as well. Keep reading

Eighteen Years

Categories: Gospel

Eighteen years ago today I entered the MTC to prepare to serve a mission in the Brazil Curitiba Mission. … I cannot honestly say that at this point my time as a missionary was the best 18 months of my life. That would be the last 18 months. But it was probably the 18 continuous months since early childhood that had the greatest influence on the rest of my life. Keep reading

How to Expect the Unexpected

Categories: Family, Happy Things, Infertility

When last we left our “how to” series (“How to Make a Baby” and “How to Make a Sibling (or two)”) I thought we’d written the final chapter and sent it to press. Turns out I was wrong. God had a very exciting epilogue he wanted to write. An epilogue we didn’t find out about until it was well on its way to the printer. But that’s part of the story. And I’m getting ahead of myself. So here’s what we believe is the exciting conclusion with the wonderfully unexpected. Keep reading

There’s still hope for the rest of us

Categories: Life

The morning of September 11, 2001 I taught fourth graders in Mexico about really big numbers while I was hearing updates about something bigger than I could imagine happening in the United States. Updates about fear, hate, devastation, and death. … The afternoon of June 23, 2017 I sat on our couch reading the news of the world and all the crappy things going on around. Devastation. War. Corruption. Hate. Violence. There was a lot of bad going on in the world that day. Just like there is any other day you read the news. Keep reading

My Hero

Categories: Family, Happy Things

Every day at noon I face the task of getting lunch for three kids and then getting four kids down for naps. It takes a good two hours before the house is quiet. And there’s a lot of noise before that quiet starts. … And this is where my hero steps in. … Super heroes help people. Iddo is my hero. Keep reading

Wow! I’ve been productive!

Categories: Family, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

Between February and the end of June I was EXTREMELY productive. … I’m pretty sure I haven’t had a series of months that productive in a long time. I fully expect the streak to be over now that the tiny human has arrived though. We shall see. Keep reading