7 Years

Categories: Life, Random
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Seven years ago this morning my mom and I pulled in to Tucson with all of my stuff after driving all night from Utah (a drive that would’ve been a bit shorter if we’d had a GPS or a better map). We got the keys to my new apartment and crashed on the floor for a few hours before starting to figure out how to settle in. That evening a large group of young men, organized by Brett (who promised I, the new girl in the single’s ward, would have food), completely emptied my moving van in under an hour, before the food even arrived. Two weeks later I declared myself officially unpacked, even though it wouldn’t be till last year that I finally opened the last box I brought down with me. Such is packing.

Seven years. They’ve been good to me.

9 shared thoughts about 7 Years

  1. reva says:

    I have a similar memory of pulling into Georgia with my mom. That night at a USA activity I met a helpful and pushy guy who made me marry him 5 months later 🙂 Congrats on the anniversary and the journey!

  2. Mama g says:

    Forty years ago this week Kent and I met.

  3. Denicend says:

    What a good thing you did in moving where Brett was closer to you.

  4. Giggle

    Brett dismantled in an hour what took me a lot longer to “Tetris” into place. 🙂 We still miss you here, just so you know. (:

    • Giggles says:

      That thought crossed my mind a lot that night too. Must be something about how making a mess is quicker than cleaning it up. There were a lot more people emptying it than there were filling it too.

  5. HeidiAphrodite says:

    I remember helping you pack and load, and saying goodbye, and being happy that you got there safely. 🙂 Smart move!

  6. Brett says:

    They have been good, haven’t they?

    To be clear, I may have told them there was food, but I also told them you were cute. That’s what really got them there. (Oh, and with that I should also mention that “young men” in this case refers to the Elders’ Quorum, who are the youngest men in a singles ward.) :brett:

    • Giggles says:

      Yes, but as I was turning 30 in 6 months and most of them were 22 or under, they still count as young. :lisa:


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