This weekend we celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. We’ve been jokingly counting down to this anniversary since before we got married on account of an inside joke (someone, rather vindictively, predicted Brett would discover I’m mean and divorce me before we reached our fifth anniversary).
There are many things I remember about the days leading up to our wedding. I can tell you exactly what we did five years ago this very day – getting him at the airport, getting our license, going out for Taco Bell and then getting his tux, having my amazing bridal shower with my friends and family. I can tell you exactly what happened five years ago tomorrow, the day before we got married – attending the temple with our families, going out for some shopping, dinner with our families at Tucanos. I relive the day we got married – waking up refreshed and ready to go, a run in the snow with my dad, blowing a fuze when we tried to both curl my hair and steam my dress from the same outlet, picking him up at his parents house, everything at the temple, photos, the reception. I know how the next two days went as we relaxed and went to the Church museum and the zoo. The drive home Tuesday. It all plays back in my mind whenever I want.
Part of why I remember so much is because we made sure in the weeks that followed we took the time to write down everything, and I mean everything. And we did it without consulting the other person so we got it all from our own perspective without any input from what the other person remembered. It is fun to see what details and aspects we each thought were worth writing down. We did the same thing last year with the birth of our daughter and our two accounts clearly show how different our roles were in that.
Another part of why I remember so much is because I do play it back in my mind, and often. Rehearsing the memories makes them stronger. And I like that these memories are strong.
I remember what it was like to be single. But I can’t imagine being anywhere else but here now.

I thought the snow storm that morning made everything beautiful. :snow:
What a wonderful trip down memory lane. It was a wonderful time.
Happy Anniversary!
It was such a beautiful day! Happy anniversary!
Perfect day. Perfect setting. I wouldn’t do anything different. Love you! :brett:
I still need to get it all written down, but I love remembering my own wedding adventures too.
Happy anniversary!