Using the internet to communicate with family and friends.
One-On-One Communication
- E-Mail
- CC or BCC?
- If you send an e-mail CC, or Carbon Copy, everyone on the recipient list can see everyone else who got it.
- If you send an e-mail BCC, or Blind Carbon Copy, the recipient list cannot see who else received the email.
- Sending a group email BCC respects the privacy of the group.
- Reply or Reply All?
- Reply sends your email just to the individual who sent the email to you.
- Reply All sends your email to everyone the original person sent the email to unless they sent it BCC.
- Before using Reply All, make sure you know who your email will be going to. More than one person has been embarrassed by sending a personal email to a large group.
- Forwards
- Make sure the people you are sending forwards to want them.
- Make sure you are not sending so many forwards that your emails basically become spam.
- Make sure what you are forwarding is true before you send it. Websites like Snopes can let you check the validity of claims in emails before you pass them along.
- CC or BCC?
- Instant Messaging– Communicating instantly with text. Some include ways to incorporate voice chatting.
- Can be one-to-one or more people can be invited into the conversation.
- Most e-mail programs have associated instant messaging aspects.
- Web Cams & Video Conversations– Communicating instantly with sound and video.
- Google Talk
- Goolge+ Hang Out – Group video chats
- Skype
Mass Communication
- Blogging & Blog Safety
- Public or Private? Public blogs are visible to anyone with an internet connection. Private blogs are visible only to the people you invite.
- WordPress, Blogger, and other places offer free blogging tools
- RSS feeds
– Subscribing to RSS feeds means you get notice when the blog posts something new
- Random Giggles: Blogging 101 – Information about setting a blog up and safety issues.
- Twitter – 140 character statements, micro-blogging. You can make your account private and only approve followers you know, or it can be public and anyone can see it.
- Photo & Video Sharing– Understand the privacy settings before sharing your photos or videos
- Networking Sites– Allow you to connect with friends from around the world and keep up to date with what they are doing.
- FaceBook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Google+
- FaceBook is set to reveal all of your information to the web by default. You must go in and change the settings on your own. The settings can be changed from time to time so it is a good idea to check on them every so often.
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