Category Archives: Venting

Because not everything makes me giggle.

Boxed in

Categories: Venting

I know it’s barely been more than a week since I arrived in Tucson, but I want to be done with boxes now. It’s starting to get to me that I don’t yet know where everything belongs and that I … Keep reading

Parents for choosing to be selfish in Utah (a.k.a. Parents for Choice)

Categories: Education, Politics, Venting

There is a group called “Parents for Choice in Education” that is nothing more than a gathering for the selfish parents in Utah. They are not for choice for all parents in Utah. They are really trying to get all … Keep reading

Slow Down!!!

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Venting, Work

Time is moving so very fast right now. This is the seventh week of school and we are already having parent teacher conferences tonight and tomorrow. The problem is I was expecting them to be tomorrow and Thursday. Oops. So … Keep reading

The Crack

Categories: Life, Venting

Back in April a large crack suddenly appeared on my windshield. I mentioned it in two blog posts: The Randomness that can be Monday and A simple request. And as I remember then, it was a drastic and sudden change … Keep reading

Conversation with a 16 year old

Categories: Relationships, Venting

I had the following conversation the other day with an incompetent 16 year old I have to associate with on occasion. The conversation was prompted by a child running helter skelter all around a store. Someone please tell me I … Keep reading

Can O’ Worms

Categories: Education, Venting, Work

What follows are some of my thoughts on recent meetings and decisions and such and whatnot that have been occurring. Holy Crap!!! I can’t do this any more. There is so much icky negativity in this room that it’s making … Keep reading

UCET 2007

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Venting, Work

In 2002 I was hired as the computer specialist in an elementary school. I had very little idea what I was doing and just started making it up as I went. I was pretty successful at that. But it is … Keep reading