Category Archives: Venting

Because not everything makes me giggle.

A priceless education

Categories: Education, Politics, Venting

I am of the opinion that education is priceless. Unfortunately, I seem to be living in a state that thinks you can put a price on education, and that you can then sell it at the dollar store because it’s … Keep reading

Images on the Internet

Categories: Science & Tech, Venting

An interesting situation developed yesterday. My post about the moon, because there was a link to it on Scientific American, drove a LOT (over 200 hits) of traffic here yesterday. That makes it the highest hit page in a single … Keep reading

A Hodge Podge

Categories: Education, Exercise, Health, Life, News, Science & Tech, Venting

Rather than a bunch of short blogs, here’s one long one with a bunch of short parts. ~ * ~ * ~ Something to Sit on Why are so many chairs uncomfortable, bad for your back, encourage slouching and bad … Keep reading

You Stink!

Categories: Venting

Seriously? What are most people thinking? They stink. One man got on the bus a few days ago and sat near the front. I was sitting in the back. During the block he was on the bus my nose started … Keep reading

New Shoes

Categories: Gospel, Health, Life, Random, Venting

I don’t buy new shoes often. I have the basics so I can match just about anything I’m wearing. My feet are very important to me, and since they’ve already had problems, I’m very particular about what shoes I buy … Keep reading

A few thoughts

Categories: Education, Science & Tech, Venting, Work

Some person, for some strange weird reason, changed the ports on my server and so for more than a month, my website was not sending out e-mails. I like it to send me notices when someone comments just so I … Keep reading

What a day!

Categories: Venting

At 6am my closet crashed. I didn’t know it could drive. But it crashed. I thought just a box had fallen. There isn’t a shelf on the top of half of my closet, so I have a few empty boxes … Keep reading