Category Archives: Relationships

My relationships. My comments on the relationships of others. Some comments others have made about my relationships.

He has me trained

Categories: Education, Family, Relationships, Work

Several times since we’ve gotten married, Brett and I have been asked if I have him trained yet. Trained for what? The Olympics? … But there has been some training going on. In fact, he had me trained before we even got married. … Keep reading

Happy Chinese, Happy Valentine’s

Categories: Relationships

Today is Valentine’s Day and the Chinese New Year. Happy! I made some fabric Valentine fortune cookies that turned out just perfect. Now, I know there are people who hate this holiday (Valentine’s Day, not Chinese New Year). … Keep reading

Notes, flowers, and candy

Categories: Relationships

At our wedding, the sealer gave us some advice to keep our marriage strong. He told us to keep doing the things that made us fall in love in the first place. Brett should write me notes, and buy me flowers and candy. … Keep reading

Finding something that works

Categories: Random, Relationships

Nobody has to do things the exact same way everyone else does, just find something that works for you! … Keep reading

I belong!

Categories: Education, Family, Relationships

I moved to Arizona two years ago. I’ve paid taxes. I’ve served jury duty. But last summer the University insisted I wasn’t a resident of Arizona (not sure where they thought I was a resident of if that was the case). … Keep reading

If I could

Categories: Relationships

Yesterday, Manolo for the Brides had a post with just that title. The idea was to think of what you would do for your wedding if money and time were not an issue. … Keep reading

In 2009 I…

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Happy Things, Health, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Relationships, Work

A list of what I did during the year. Keep reading