Category Archives: Random

Random. No other word for it.

Measure Your Feet

Categories: Learn Something, Questions, Random

Today is measure your feet day. My feet are 9.5 inches long. The ball of my foot is 3.5 inches wide. And just for fun, my big toe is 2 inches long, my little toe is 1 inch long. The … Keep reading

Thoughts on packing

Categories: Random

This is a list of some of the odd thoughts that cross my mind as I’m packing. Just how many Sharpies am I going to misplace doing this? There is a lot of ocean on the world. Wow. All you … Keep reading

Track Santa

Categories: Family, Random

Every year, NORAD tracks Santa Claus on his annual round the world trip. My mom always gets a kick out of this. You can watch actual satellite images of Santa as he circles the Eiffel Tower or follows the Great … Keep reading

Picking glasses

Categories: Random

It’s time for new glasses. I know these pictures aren’t the greatest. But this is what you get when you have a woman who’s had too much coffee take pictures with a camera phone. The top two are plastic frames … Keep reading

Science marches on

Categories: Learn Something, Random

This is my favorite science article for the day: Is hotness an inherited trait? I enjoyed it for several reasons. The first is that someone actually got paid to time how long it takes fruit flies to have sex. The … Keep reading


Categories: Health, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Random

I have a case of the blarghs right now. My apartment feels so cluttered and tight right now. I have boxes for moving out. I have boxes of Christmas decorations out. I have fabric for Christmas presents out. I have … Keep reading

15 hours in a car

Categories: Random

I’d forgotten what desert storms are like. Holy sheets of water batman! I’m tired. In fact, I’m so tired that it hurts. But I’m blogging and then I’m going to fall asleep right here on the keyboard. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg